흰 꽃(White flowers)
22x27.3cm, oil on canvas, 2024
흰 꽃(White flowers)22x27.3cm, oil on canvas, 2024
내 곁에 조금 더 있자(Stay with me a little longer)
45.5x53cm, oil on canvas, 2023
내 곁에 조금 더 있자(Stay with me a little longer)45.5x53cm, oil on canvas, 2023
편지를 새로 적습니다(I write a new letter)
24.2x33.4cm, oil on canvas, 2023
편지를 새로 적습니다(I write a new letter)24.2x33.4cm, oil on canvas, 2023
잘못 적어 밀린 답들(Misnumbered answers)
Oil on canvas panel, 25x25cm(each)_168pieces, 2020
잘못 적어 밀린 답들(Misnumbered answers)Oil on canvas panel, 25x25cm(each)_168pieces, 2020
그해 봄(The spring of the year)
oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
그해 봄(The spring of the year)oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
깊은 밤의 대답(Deep night answer)
oil on canvas, 30x30cm, 2021
깊은 밤의 대답(Deep night answer)oil on canvas, 30x30cm, 2021
녹색 구슬들(Green marbles)
oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
녹색 구슬들(Green marbles)oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
늦은 오후의 열매들(Late afternoon fruits)
oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
늦은 오후의 열매들(Late afternoon fruits)oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
밤하늘에 떠내려간 밀려쓴 답들(Misnumbered answers written in the night sky)
oil on canvas, 30x30cm, 2021
밤하늘에 떠내려간 밀려쓴 답들(Misnumbered answers written in the night sky)oil on canvas, 30x30cm, 2021
손 안에 들어온 작은새 (A little bird in my hand)
oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
손 안에 들어온 작은새 (A little bird in my hand)oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
손 안에 떨어진 대답들(Answers that fell in my hand)
oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
손 안에 떨어진 대답들(Answers that fell in my hand)oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
안녕한 날들(Greetings)
oil on canvas, 30x30cm(each)_44pieces, 2021
안녕한 날들(Greetings)oil on canvas, 30x30cm(each)_44pieces, 2021
이같이 별일 없는 날이지만,(Although it's an ordinary day like this)
charcoal drawing animation, 03’ 04”, 2021(still cut)
이같이 별일 없는 날이지만,(Although it's an ordinary day like this)charcoal drawing animation, 03’ 04”, 2021(still cut)
작은 빛(Small light)
charcoal drawing animation, 02’ 43”, 202
작은 빛(Small light)charcoal drawing animation, 02’ 43”, 202
지나가는 바람(Passing wind)
oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2021
지나가는 바람(Passing wind)oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2021
짙은 밤의 빛들(The lights of the dark night)
oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
짙은 밤의 빛들(The lights of the dark night)oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
푸른 빛(Blue light)
oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
푸른 빛(Blue light)oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2020
깊은 밤을 돌아온 단서들(Clues that have passed through the deep night)
oil on canvas, 227.3x181.8cm, 2019
깊은 밤을 돌아온 단서들(Clues that have passed through the deep night) oil on canvas, 227.3x181.8cm, 2019
녹색 손(Green hand)
oil on papaer, 20x20cm, 2019
녹색 손(Green hand)oil on papaer, 20x20cm, 2019
붉은열매(Red fruit)
oil on canvas, 25x25cm, 2020
붉은열매(Red fruit)oil on canvas, 25x25cm, 2020
세 번째 계절의 말 (Words of the third season)
oil on canvas, 227.3x181.8cm, 2019
세 번째 계절의 말 (Words of the third season)oil on canvas, 227.3x181.8cm, 2019